Saturday, April 19, 2014

Journal #3

Lieutenant Kotler                                    
  • Serious                                                                                                    
  • Rude                                                            
  • Disrespectful                                   
  • Mean
  • Self-centered
  • Annoying 
  • Quiet
  • Old
  • Calm   
  • Former singer
  • Old
  • Judgmental
Grandmother and Pavel are the only ones similar age wise. But other than that the rest of these characters are different. They each have their own traits.

Journal #2

          I think John Boyne wrote the book from a child's point of view because he wanted us (the readers) to be interested and engage in the book using Bruno's thoughts about what he thinks and how he is feeling about moving to a desolated house in "Out-With" because in my point of view reading detail after detail in a book is very tedious. And also no author wants their readers to be bored and no reader wants to be tired of the book. Coming from my point of view, this was the authors reason.
When Bruno uses words such as "Out-With" and "The Fury" it means he didn't quite get the pronunciation of the words and probably doesn't know what they mean.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Journal #1

          In the novel, The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas, Bruno's family is very different from mine. In Bruno's family, the father acts like he is the man of the house and expects everyone to follow his orders, but in my family both parents are in charge. Bruno and his family has a maid with a butler and a chef living in a big house. My family doesn't have a maid, butler, or a chef. Bruno's father is in the military but none of my family members are in the military.
          Moving into the new house in "Out With" was a big deal for Bruno enough that he contrasts it with his old one. As stated in the story, Bruno's old house was large and had 5 floors with two bathrooms, three bedrooms, a dinning room, kitchen, office, basement, and an attic. However, the new house  is smaller and has only 3 floors with three bedrooms, one small bathroom, an office, attic, and basement where all the servants slept. It is desolated in the middle of nowhere while the old house is in a friendly neighborhood with friendly neighbors sitting around tables in their front yard drinking their soft drinks. And there will be people selling casseroles on the streets.