Thursday, November 21, 2013

Act 2 Summary

        In Act 2, there were some confusion among the character's feelings. This all started when Oberon the king of the fairies, squeezed a little juice from the "love" flower to make Titania love anything she sees at first site when she wakes up; so that she could give him the little human boy. He then ordered his assistance, Robin to go squeeze some on an Athenian boy who rejected a beautiful young lady, (referring to Demetrius and Helena). But as Robin wandered around in the woods to find the Athenian boy, he couldn't find one. After several minutes he came upon Hermia and Lysander sleeping and by their clothes he could tell they were Athenians. So he mistook Demetrius with Lysander and squeezed some juice on his eyelids.
        Meanwhile Helena and Demetrius was arguing, Demetrius leaves her alone telling her she cannot follow him around like that anymore so she should go her own way. Helena took her own path and it led her to where Lysander and Hermia laid asleep. But as she was talking about how tired she was and how foolish she must be to chase around the one man she ever loved but never loved her back. She urns around and realizes that Lysander was there and has just woken up. Lysander started acting strange and talked to her like she was his lover. This made Helena angry because she thought that everyone was now making fun of her for not being able to get a man. But what she didn't know was that he was serious. So now Lysander is in love with Helena and not Hermia. As an unexpected twist to the play, Act 2 changed the story because of Oberon's actions to gain his desire.


  1. Hi Sharon,
    Thank you for your Act 2 summary, nice work.

  2. Hey Sharon,
    Your summary is very well detailed. Good job (:
