Thursday, December 5, 2013

Act 3 Summary

        In Act 3 Scene 1, Titania falls asleep and the mechanicals enters trying to compromise and make their play a good one. Robin comes in and thinks to himself that he would like to be a part of the play after hearing them rehearse. Eventually they all leave except for Bottom. Bottom gets really confused and thinks that the others are trying to make a fool out of him. So he decided to stay and sing so that they will know that he is not afraid. But not knowing that Titania was asleep nearby, she woke up by his singing and falls in love with him due to the love potion.
        In Scene 2, Robin puts some love potion on Demetrius, and fortunately wakes up to see Helena. Helena gets angry once again that Demetrius has joined hands with Lysander and are now playing a trick on her to say that they love her. So now Lysander and Demetrius both have fallen in love with Helena due to the love potion leaving both women, Hermia and Helena confused. Helena thinks Hermia has also joined the guys to make fun of her so in page 99 Helena explains how betrayed she feels that Hermia could do that to her despite how close of friends they were to even count themselves as sisters. In addition, Act 3 does the job of introducing another love triangle to the play.

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