Thursday, December 12, 2013

Act 4 Summary

Scene 1 -   Titania took Bottom to the fairy world to express herself more to him. Bottom took this advantage to enjoy good food and presence while Oberon was in hidden behind them. But as Titania and Bottom falls asleep, Oberon puts the second flower on Titania's eyelids to reverse the love potion. While Theseus, Egeus , and Hippolyta were roaming about in the forest and came upon the young lovers sleeping(Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena). They woke up as they hear a horn blow. As they woke, Lysander gets back to his old self and admits to Theasues why Hermia and he were in the forest. Meanwhile Demetrius also admits why Helena and he were also there and says that he now loves Helena not Hermia. Theseus agrees to their feelings and decides to get the couples married on the same day and in the same temple as he and Hippolyta will.

Scene 2 -    Bottom wakes up and finds that Titania and the fairies has left him so he geos back to find his old friends. He does find them eventually and they talk on how to make the play possible. Then he reminds them that the duke and his wife already had dinner, so they need to get ready for the play.

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