Thursday, May 8, 2014

Journal #4

          Shmuel's life is different from Bruno's life. Shmuel is a little Jew boy who is held in custody by the Nazis in Out-With camp with his family. Before, he was sent to Out-With with his family, they were living in a small flat above his father's watch store in Poland. Bruno is a little German boy who lives with his family in a house in Out-With. Before the family had to settle in Out-With, Bruno and his family were living a 5-floor house with a maid, butler, and cook in Berlin. Secondly, their attitude towards the armbands. Bruno thinks the armbands are something that you can pick to wear, either the Star of David or the Nazi sign, but Shmuel knows it is something you don't have a choice for but rather given to you.
          Even though, they differ, they are also similar to each other. They are both 9 years old and are born on the same birthday( April 15, 1994). In this book,Bruno and Shmuel had some differences and similarities throughout the book.

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