Thursday, December 19, 2013

Act 5 Summary

       In Act 5, The Mechanicals presented their play (A Very Tragic Comedy About the Horrible Deaths of Pyramus and Thisbe) to the three married couples. (Theseus and Hippolyta; Lysander and Hermia; Demetrius and Helena). This was the last act of the play and it ended in a happy one because everyone had someone to love and Oberon and Titania made up. Last but not least, the mechanicals were able to present the play they have been waiting desperately to act out.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Act 4 Summary

Scene 1 -   Titania took Bottom to the fairy world to express herself more to him. Bottom took this advantage to enjoy good food and presence while Oberon was in hidden behind them. But as Titania and Bottom falls asleep, Oberon puts the second flower on Titania's eyelids to reverse the love potion. While Theseus, Egeus , and Hippolyta were roaming about in the forest and came upon the young lovers sleeping(Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena). They woke up as they hear a horn blow. As they woke, Lysander gets back to his old self and admits to Theasues why Hermia and he were in the forest. Meanwhile Demetrius also admits why Helena and he were also there and says that he now loves Helena not Hermia. Theseus agrees to their feelings and decides to get the couples married on the same day and in the same temple as he and Hippolyta will.

Scene 2 -    Bottom wakes up and finds that Titania and the fairies has left him so he geos back to find his old friends. He does find them eventually and they talk on how to make the play possible. Then he reminds them that the duke and his wife already had dinner, so they need to get ready for the play.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Act 3 Summary

        In Act 3 Scene 1, Titania falls asleep and the mechanicals enters trying to compromise and make their play a good one. Robin comes in and thinks to himself that he would like to be a part of the play after hearing them rehearse. Eventually they all leave except for Bottom. Bottom gets really confused and thinks that the others are trying to make a fool out of him. So he decided to stay and sing so that they will know that he is not afraid. But not knowing that Titania was asleep nearby, she woke up by his singing and falls in love with him due to the love potion.
        In Scene 2, Robin puts some love potion on Demetrius, and fortunately wakes up to see Helena. Helena gets angry once again that Demetrius has joined hands with Lysander and are now playing a trick on her to say that they love her. So now Lysander and Demetrius both have fallen in love with Helena due to the love potion leaving both women, Hermia and Helena confused. Helena thinks Hermia has also joined the guys to make fun of her so in page 99 Helena explains how betrayed she feels that Hermia could do that to her despite how close of friends they were to even count themselves as sisters. In addition, Act 3 does the job of introducing another love triangle to the play.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Act 2 Summary

        In Act 2, there were some confusion among the character's feelings. This all started when Oberon the king of the fairies, squeezed a little juice from the "love" flower to make Titania love anything she sees at first site when she wakes up; so that she could give him the little human boy. He then ordered his assistance, Robin to go squeeze some on an Athenian boy who rejected a beautiful young lady, (referring to Demetrius and Helena). But as Robin wandered around in the woods to find the Athenian boy, he couldn't find one. After several minutes he came upon Hermia and Lysander sleeping and by their clothes he could tell they were Athenians. So he mistook Demetrius with Lysander and squeezed some juice on his eyelids.
        Meanwhile Helena and Demetrius was arguing, Demetrius leaves her alone telling her she cannot follow him around like that anymore so she should go her own way. Helena took her own path and it led her to where Lysander and Hermia laid asleep. But as she was talking about how tired she was and how foolish she must be to chase around the one man she ever loved but never loved her back. She urns around and realizes that Lysander was there and has just woken up. Lysander started acting strange and talked to her like she was his lover. This made Helena angry because she thought that everyone was now making fun of her for not being able to get a man. But what she didn't know was that he was serious. So now Lysander is in love with Helena and not Hermia. As an unexpected twist to the play, Act 2 changed the story because of Oberon's actions to gain his desire.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

3 References

1. Shakespeare's Home and Family (text)
2. http://www. Shakespeare/biography

Act 1 Summary

In Act 1, there were many characters with different concepts. One of the characters was Theseus who got Hippolyta to fall in love with him by conquering and injuring her. Believe it or not they are now getting married in 4 days, which Theseus can't wait for. The other characters were: Egeus, Hermia, Demetrius, Lysander, Helena, Quince, Bottom, Flute, Starveling, Snout, and Snug. Among all these characters they could all be classified into groups as Athenians and Mechanicals. The Athenians are: Theseus, Hippolyta, Egeus, Hermia, Demetrius, Lysander, and Helena. As for the Mechanicals: Quince, Bottom, Flute, Starveling, Snout, and Snug.
 Act 1 was basically based on love and confusion. This was because Hermia, Demetrius, Lysander, and Helena were all caught up in a love triangle. But Hermia loves Lysander and will do anything to be with him. So they decided to run away because her father, Egeus wants her to marry Demetrious or she will die by his sword, or become a nun. Meanwhile, Helena is giving Demetrius a hard time on confessing her love to him and how she doesn't care if he hates her as long as she can just follow him, she is satisfied. The mechanicals were the main point for the confusion because they were all confused about the play they were to perform on the day of Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. In the end of this Act, Helena met and told Demetrius that Hermia wants to run away with Lysander. In my opinion, I think she did this because she was jealous of Hermia, so she might want to destroy her for turning Demetrius against her.